Juan De Cardenas

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Juan De Cardenas [1]

a Spanish Jesuit, was born at Seville in 1613, and joined his order at the age of fourteen. On account of his great learning he was invested with the highest offices of his order. He died June 6, 1684, leaving Crisis Theologica sive Disputationes Selectce ex Theologia Morali (Lugd. 1670). See Gury, Compend. Theol. Mr. Annot. Ant. Ballerini II, n. 444, ed. 1880, p. 312 sq.; Hurter, Nomenclater, ii, 231 sq.; Mullendorff, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchen-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
