Joseph Migas Ben-Meir Lbn-Ial-Levi

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Joseph Migas Ben-Meir Lbn-Ial-Levi [1]

(also called Haramn [ הרא 8 8 ם ], from the initials of הרב אבן מיגש , Rabbi Ibn-Migas), one of the greatest Talmudical scholars of his time, was born at Granada in 1077. When twelve years of age he went to Cordova to attend the lectures of Isaac ben-Jacob Alfasi (q.v.), with whom he stayed for fourteen years. The master who gave him the ordination ( סמיכה ) was very proud of this scholar, of whom he used to say, that even in the age of Moses none could be found like him, and he appointed him as his successor in the presidency of the College of Cordova, which post he held for thirty- eight years (1103-41), until his death. His renown. attracted many students, even from Egypt. From all parts his Talmudical decisions were sought for. and the greatest ornament of his school was the celebrated Moses Maimonides (q.v.),. He wrote novellas and decisions, which are enumerated by Furst. See Gratz, Gesch. d. Juden, 6:116 sq.; Braunschweiger, Gesch. d. Juden in den romanischen Staaten, page 61 (Wurzburg, 1865); De' Rossi, Dizionario Storico Degli Autori Ebrei (Germ. transl. by Hamburger), s.v.; Lindo, History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, page 55; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 2:378. (B.P.)
