Joseph Ben-Simeon Kara

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Joseph Ben-Simeon Kara [1]

a Jewish writer of the 11th century, is the author of פרוש התורה , or glosses mon Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch; in the same manner he wrote on the Prophets, Job, Ezra, and Chronricles, and the five Megilloth. A collection of glosses from Kara's commentaries is given in נטעי נעמנים (Breslau, 1847); the commentary on Hosea was published from a MS. in the Jewish Theological Seminary at Breslau in 1861. See Zunz, Gottesdienstliche Vortrage der Juden, pages 301, 398; Zur Geschichte- und Literatur, pages 68-70; Geiger, Beitrage zur judischen Literaturgeschichte (Breslau, 1847), pages 17-29; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 2:169 sq.; De' Rossi, Dizionario Storico (Germ. transl.), page 157 sq. (B.P.)
