John W. Ogden

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John W. Ogden [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born near Bardstown, Ky., Dec. 24, 1793. His education was obtained under the immediate superintendence of his father. During the war of 1812 with Great Britain he was in the army under General Jackson. On leaving the army he was licensed to preach, and he was ordained in 1817 as an evangelist. In 1844 he changed his Church relation by joining the Presbytery of Nashville, and soon after entered upon the work of a missionary, under a commission from the Board of Domestic Missions. He continued to labor thus, preaching from place to place, until called to his rest, April 5,1858. Mr. Ogden was a man of large frame and vigorous constitution; as a minister, he ever labored faithfully and zealously. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1860, p. 77. (J. L. S.)
