John Piper Morris

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Piper Morris [1]

a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, was born in Devon, England, January 30, 1846. His early life was spent in Canada under the pious training of his father, who was himself a local minister of the Wesleyan Church. Young Morris was converted at seventeen, and soon after became convinced that he was called of God to preach. While preparing for the ministry his health was impaired, and he was advised to go South. After his arrival at Charleston, S.C., he decided at once to enter the ministry, and supplied a vacancy in the village of Summerville. In 1862 he was received on trial in the South Carolina Conference, and appointed to Aiken. In 1867 he was ordained deacon, and appointed to Darlington; but his health failing, he was obliged to give up all work. He died January 24, 1868. See Min. of Ann. Conf. of the Meth. Epis. Church, South, 1868, page 214.
