John Peter Goertner
John Peter Goertner [1]
a minister of the Lutheran Church, was born April 26, 1797, at Canajoharie, N.Y. He was graduated at Union College in 1822, the Reformation of Luther being his commencement exercise. For a time he prosecuted his studies at Hartwick Seminary under the direction of professor Hagelius, and then received private instruction from Dr. Christian Schaeffer, of New York City, whom he aided in his pastoral work. He was licensed to preach by the New York Minister in 1824, and, after performing extensive missionary labor among the destitute Lutherans in the northern and western counties of the state and in Canada, he accepted a call to Johnstown, N.Y. He was loved and venerated not only by his own people, but by all who witnessed the results of his earnest labors, and the salutary influence he was exercising. His career was a brief one. He died when only thirty-two years of age of pulmonary disease. The impress of his life and efforts in the sanctified members of believing and loving hearts will dexcend to children and children's children. He left a valuable MS. Journal of six Months' Residence at Rome, and Visit to interesting Cities in Europe. (M.L.S.)