John P. Van Dyke

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John P. Van Dyke [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born in Adams County; Pa., Oct. 18,1803; graduated at Miami University in 1826; studied theology privately; was licensed by Miami Presbytery in 1828; ordained by, Chillicothie Presbytery as pastor of West Union Church, O., in June, 1829, which pastorate existed for twenty three years; in 1852 became pastor of the Church at Red Oak; in 1854, of Frankfort Church, Ind., in Logansport Presbytery; in 1856, of Pleasant Ridge Church, O.; and died Aug. 13, 1862. He was an able divine; in presbyterial and synodical bodies he had few equals; his preaching was eminently doctrinal, but ardent aid impressive. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1863, p. 214.
