John Mcnulty
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
John Mcnulty [1]
a Presbyterian minister, was born at Killala, Ireland, in June, 1829; was educated at Belfast, Ireland, and, after reaching the United States, in the Associate Reformed Seminary at Newburg, N. Y., Union Seminary, New York City, and the theological seminary at Princeton, N. J. In 1853 he was licensed, and in 1854 was ordained and installed pastor of the Church at Richland City, Wis.; in 1856 accepted a call from the Church of Caledonia in De Korra, Wis., where he labored zealously until he died, May 15, 1861. Mr. McNulty was a devoted and zealous worker in the cause of Christ. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1862, p. 111.