John Matthew Caryophiles (Or Cariophyle)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Matthew Caryophiles (Or Cariophyle) [1]

Caryophiles (or Cariophyle), John Matthew

a Greek prelate and scholar, was born in the isle of Corfu. Having studied at Rome in the college of the Greeks, he returned to his own country, but soon went back to Rome, where he taught in the same college. He entered successively the service of cardinals Aldobrandini, Ludovisio, and Barberini all three nephews of the popes. The second of these cardinals procured for him the title of archbishop of Icone or Cogni, in the isle of Candia, which he held until his death, at Rome, in 1639. He wrote, Refutatio Pseudo-Christianas Catechesis Editae a Zachario Gergano Graeco (Rome, 1631): Censura Confessiosnis Fidei quce sub Nomine Cyrilli Patriarchae Constantinopolitani Circumfertur (ibid. eod.): Dottrina Cristiana del Cardinale Bellarmini (in Italian and Syriac, ibid. 1633); and a number of other works. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , s.v.
