John Lewis Shuck

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Lewis Shuck [1]

a minister of the Baptist denomination, was born in Alexandria, D.C., Sept. 4, 1812. Having received an appointment as a missionary of the Baptist General Convention to labor among the Chinese, he reached the field of his labors Macao Sept. 17, 1836, where he remained until March 16, 1842. when he removed to Hong Kong, and afterwards to Canton. Mr. Shuck returned to the United States in 1845, the year in which the separation took place between Northern and Southern Baptists. He was honorably dismissed from the Missionary Union, the name by which the Northern organization was known, and in 1846 became a missionary of the Southern Baptist Convention. By this society he was sent to labor among the Chinese of California. Having spent several years in this work, he returned East, and died at Barnwell Courthouse, S.C., in October, 1863. (J.C.S.)
