John Grammer

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Grammer [1]

a Protestant Episcopal. minister, was born at Petersburg, Virginia. He began the practice of law in that place some two years after graduating at Yale College. In January, 1824, he entered the Episcopal Theological Seminary at Alexandria, and on July 15, 1826, received deacon's orders. For the next ten years his life was that of a missionary, He lived upon his estate in Dinwiddie County, and preached in eight or ten of the neighboring counties. In October 1835, his dwelling was burned down, and he removed to Lawrenceville. In 1838 he accepted a call to the parish of Halifax Court- house, and removed there, where he continued to reside till his death, March 5, 1871, aged seventy-five years. See Obituary Record of Yale College, 1871; Prot. Episc. Almanac, 1872, page 127.
