John F. Ruthrauff

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John F. Ruthrauff [1]

a Lutheran minister, was born in Northampton County, Pa., Jan. 14, 1764, and began his theological studies with Rev. Jacob Goering in York, 1790. He began to preach in 1793, and had charge of several churches in York County and in Carlisle until June, 1795, when he accepted a call from the Green Castle congregation and several others, in some of which he labored upwards of forty years. His charge embraced M'Connelsburg, London, Mercersburg, Waynesboro, Quincy, Smoketown, Jacob's Church, and several in Washington County, Md. He continued his labors until the year before his death, which occurred Dec. 18, 1837. He was a man of strong mental qualities; a fluent, animated, and instructive preacher; and the possessor of substantial Christian excellence. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 9, 104.
