John Cory Cornish

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Cory Cornish [1]

an English Methodist preacher, was born at Bridgerule, Devon, in 1819. He was converted in his youth, during a revival among the Bible Christians; became a class-leader and a local preacher, and entered the ministry in 1839. He died at Bridgerule, March 17, 1845. His zeal for God knew no limit except that of his strength. Cornish, John Hamilton, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born in 1815; ordained in 1842; and from 1848 to 1868 was rector of St. Thaddeus's Church, Aiken, S.C. In 1870, though still residing in Aiken, he performed missionary service at Kaolin, and continued to do so until 1875, when he was employed as a missionary at Barnwell and John's Island, in the same state. From 1875 he preached at Barnwell, Toogoodoo, and Pinewood until his death, which occurred in Charleston, May 24, 1878. See Prot. Episc. Almanac, 1879, page 168.
