John Chick

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Chick [1]

a Free-will Baptist minister, was born at Berwick, Maine, December 29, 1806. He removed to Ossipee, N.H. in his early youth, became a Christian in 1830, was licensed in 1833, and ordained at a quarterly meeting' in East Wolfborough, May 25, 1835. From 1833 to 1873, he was for the most of the time the minister of the Second Free-will Baptist Church in Ossipee. He performed some ministerial work in East Wolfborough, Effingham Falls, and Wakefield, and frequently visited the churches in his quarterly-meeting district. For the purpose of adding to the strength and prosperity of the Church of which he was the pastor, be interested himself in starting the Ossipee Hosiery which for a time-bade fair to be a successful enterprise. Reverses, however, befell the company, and he sustained heavy losses. He died January 9, 1874. See Mornings Star, April 29, 1874. (J.C.S.)
