John Bristow
John Bristow [1]
an English Congregational minister, was born at Great Marlow, January 27, 1787. He joined the Church at Wooburn in his nineteenth year, and was sent, in 1809, to the Gosport Academy, but at the close of the first year removed to the college at Hoxton. In September 1814, he was ordained over the Church at Wilton, and continued to exercise his ministry here for tell years. He became pastor of the Church in Castle street, Exeter, in 1824, but in 1847 he resigned his pastoral charge, as he found his health was failing greatly. He preached occasionally, as his health admitted, but his sufferings and life ended August 30, 1852. As a minister and a Christian, he was much revered and honored. See (Lond.) Cong. Yearbook, 1853, page 207.