John Bonnsall

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Bonnsall [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born at Launueston, Cornwall, Sept. 20, 1788, of Episcopalian parents,. He joined the Independent church, received his ministerial education at the Western Academy, and in 1813 was ordained over the Church at St. Columb, Cornwall. In 1818 he removed to Ottery St. Mary, Devon, where he labored until his resignation in 1859, when he retired to Bridgewater, where he died, Oct. 12, 1866. Mr. Bonnsall's endowments were of a solid order. His preaching was varied in its character. He was a thorough workman. See (Lond.) Cong. Yearbook, 1867, p. 271.
