John Bodington

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

John Bodington [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born at Spitalfields, Jan. 6, 1794, of Arian parents. He was converted when about thirteen, and joined the Congregational Church. His father, enraged at this step, drove him from home. The youth soon found generous Christian friends, however, who encouraged and helped him; and at the age of sixteen he began to preach in workhouses and to other small congregations. He received an academical training at Hoxton, and in 1813 became co-pastor at Back street, Horselydown. He immediately became very popular, and in 1815 was constituted sole pastor of his charge, which position he held till the close of 1858, when he resigned. He died Oct. 21, 1859. Mr. Bodington was neither eloquent nor learned-hence, after the ardor of youth had passed, his popularity ceased. He seldom left his own pulpit, and scarcely ever attended any meeting outside of his own circle. See (Lond.) Cong. Year- book, 1860, p. 177.
