John Barrett
John Barrett [1]
an Irish clergyman and educator, was born in Dublin in 1753. He was educated at Trinity College, of which he became a fellow in 1778, a member of the senior board in 1791, and librarian in 1792, having served as assistant during the precedingeight years. He died Nov. 15, 1821. Dr. Barrett was a fine scholar, and distinguished in particular for a memory which was almost miraculous. He was, hotwever, exceedingly eccentric in his habits, and rarely passed beyond the precincts of his college. He published, An Inquiry into the Origin of the Constellations that Comtpose the Zodiac, and the Uses they were Intended to Promote: — An Essay on the Earlier Part of the Life of Swift: — Evangelium secundum Mattheun ex Codice Rescripto in Bibliotheca Collegii S Soe. Trinitatis juxta Dublin. See the (Lond.) Annual Register, 1821, p. 245, 656; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.