John Aikenhead
John Aikenhead [1]
an English Wesleyan minister was born at Arbroath, Scotland, in 1768. His parents were members of the Church of Scotland. and trained their boy in the right way, so that he soon found peace in believing. In 1796 he devoted himself to the ministry, and was appointed to the Boston Circuit. In 1832 he became a supernumerary at Devenport, where he died, March 12, 1835. He was a man of studious habits, and had a well-cultivated mind and great stores of information. His disposition was amiable-always so; frank and ingenuous, to a stranger he appeared reserved. He was a man of lovely Christian character, and withal a faithful and useful minister. See Wesleyan Meth. Mag. Aug. 1837, p. 561; Minutes of the British Conference, 1835.