Johannes Arondeus

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johannes Arondeus [1]

one of the Holland ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church in America, came hither in 1742, and was chiefly known as a violent opposer of all efforts to secure a ministry independent of the mother Church in the old country. He was settled over the churches in Kings County, L. I. (1742- 47); and afterwards in New Jersey in Somerset and Middlesex counties, Readington, Raritan, Harlingen, Six Mile Run, and Three Mile Run (1747- 54). His name frequently occurs in the civil and ecclesiastical records; but he was always "a troubler in Israel." He was finally suspended by the Ccetus, or American Classis. His death probably occurred in 1754. Full accounts of his movements are found in the Millstone Centennial, by Rev. E. T. Corwin, and New Brunswick Historical Discourse, by R. H. Steele, D.D. (W. J. R. T )
