Johann Rudolf Scharer
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Johann Rudolf Scharer [1]
a Swiss theologian, was born at Berne in 1756. In 1793 he was professor of Hebrew, in 1805 professor of Biblical study at the Berne Academy, and he died July 3, 1829, preacher at Bumpflingen. He is the author of, Das Buch Hiob aus dem Grundtext metrisch ubersetzt und erlautert (Berne, 1818, 2 parts): — Die Psalmlen metrisch ubersetzt mit kurzen Anmerkungen (1812): — Religioses Erbauungsbuch fur Gefangene (1817, 1820). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:206, 209; 2:320; Furst, Bibl. Jud. s.v. (B.P.)