Johann Maximilian Daut

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Maximilian Daut [1]

a journeyman shoemaker of Frankfort-on-the-Main, was one of those enthusiasts who appeared after the beginning of the 18th century, and proclaimed the coming judgment of God. At the divine behest, as he said, he wrote, in 1710, his Helle Donnerposaune, in which he cries the woe especially over Frankfort and the Roman empire. Only a small number will be saved for the marriage-feast of the Lamb, after Turks, Jews, and heathen have been converted. Against the Lutheran clergy he was especially severe. Expelled from Frankfort, he went to Leyden, where he soon had a conflict with Ueberfeldt, against whom he wrote, calling his adherents "'Judas brethren." He was afterwards, however, again on good terms with Ueberfeldt. In and about Ulm he succeeded with his notions, in consequence of which the magistrate issued an edict against these meddling preachers, and prohibited the reading of Daut's writings, to which also belonged his Geistliche Betrachtungen, published in 1711. John Frick, a pastor and professor of theology, who was appointed to bring him back from his errors, succeeded in his mission, and again reconciled him with the Church. See Walch, Rel. Streitig-keiten in der lutherischen, Kirche, 2:794; 5:1051; Pfaff, Introductio in Hist. Theol. 2:372; Burger, Exercitatio de Sutoribus Fanaticis (Leipsic, 1730); Fuhrmann, Handbuch der Rel. und Kirchengeschichte, s.v.; Hagenbach, in Herzog's Real-Encyklop. s.v.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
