Johann Matthia

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Matthia [1]

a noted Swedish prelate, was born in Ostrogothia in 1592, and after enjoying the best educational advantages of his country, entered the ministry. After filling several important positions, he became court preacher and almoner to Gustavus Adolphus. He was next appointed preceptor to Christina, the daughter of that monarch, and was created bishop of Strengnis in 16i3. He died in 1670. Matthiti wrote several moral and theological works, the most important of which are, Opuscula Theologica (Strengnias, 1661, 8vo): Sacre Disquisitiones ad refutandos Epicureos, atheos et fanaticos (Stockholm, 1669, 4to). See Hoefer, souv. Biog. Genesis vol. 33, s.v.
