Johann Martin Chladenius

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Martin Chladenius [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, grandson of the foregoing and son of the following, was born April 17, 1710, at Wittenberg. In 1742 he was professor of Christian antiquities at Leipsic, in 1744 director of the gymnasium at Coburg, and in 1747 professor of theology and university preacher at Erlangen. In 1748 he was made doctor of theology, and died September 10, 1759. He published, Oratio de Voluptate ex Antiquitate Ecclesiastica Capienda (Wittenberg, 1742): Comment. de Stationibus Veterum Christianorum (ibid. 1744): Pr. de Sententia A ugustini de Stilo Sanctce Scripturce in Historia Creationis (Coburg, 1744): Logica S. seu Introductio in Theologiam Systematicam (ibid. 1745): Delineatio Theologiae Moralis (Erlangen, 1748). See Winer, Handbuch der. theol. Lit. 1:606, 629; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B.P.)
