Johann Lorenz Blessig

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Lorenz Blessig [1]

a Protestant divine of Germany, was born April 13, 1747, at Strasburg, where he also studied. He made extensive journeys in Italy, Hungary, and Germany. After his return to Strasburg he was appointed deacon, until in 1778 he was made professor of philosophy, and, a few years later, professor of theology. In 1786 he was made doctor of philosophy, but the French Revolution interrupted his activity, and for eleven months he was imprisoned. After Robespierre's fall Blessig commenced preaching again, and took an active part in the management of church and school till his death, Feb. 17, 1816. He wrote, Diss. Origines Philosophice apud Romanos (Argent. 1770): Prcesidia Interpretationis Nov. Test. ex Auctoribus Greecis (ibid. 1778): Progr. Cap. iii Evang. Joh. Interpretatio cum Adnotatis (ibid. 1786): Diss. Inaugur. de Censu Davidico pesteque hunc Censum Secuta, in 2 Samuel 24 et 1 Chronicles 21 (ibid. 1788): Was haben wir als Christen zu fiirchten, zu hoffen, zu thun in den neuen, uns bevorstehenden Zeiten? (ibid. 1802-8): Dissertatio de Evangeliis Secundum Ebrceos, Egyptios atque Justini Martyris (ibid. 1807). Besides, he published a number of sermons and ascetical works. See Dbring, Die deutschen Kanzelredner des 18 und 19 Jahrhunderts, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. ii, 143, 156, 169, 180, 297; Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 120; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B. P.)
