Johann Leonhard Callisen

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Leonhard Callisen [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born Aug. 23, 1738, at Preez, in Holstein. In 1764 he was pastor at Zarpen, in 1782 at Oldesloe, and went, in 1792, as general superintendent and member of consistory to Rendsburg, where he died, Nov. 12, 1806. His best work is, Die Netzten Jage unseres Herrn Jesu' Christi (edited by his son, Nurnberg, 1813; 3d ed. 1838). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. ii, 402; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. i, 211; Doring, Die deutschen Kanzelredner, p. 14 sq. (B. P.)
