Johann Gottgetreu Muller

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Gottgetreu Muller [1]

a German theologian, was born in 1701 at Calbe, in Prussia. He was educated first at his native place, then at Klosterbergen, and at the University of Halle, where he studied theology. He was appointed minister at the penitentiary at Halle in 1727, but was discharged, as he would not sanction the union of the Lutheran and Reformed churches, which was brought about by king Frederick William I of Prussia. Muller now went to Leipsic, and became there bachelor of divinity and minister of the university church. In 1739 the chief consistory secured for him a place at the "Kreuz Kirche" at Suhl. In 1745 he was appointed superintendent at Schleusingen, also assessor of the consistory. In 1750 he was appointed ephorus of the gymnasium, and died August 16, 1787. Muller possessed a thorough knowledge of ancient languages, which he shows in his programmes De scholis purgatoriis (1761, 4to) and De animantibus apocalypticis s. emblematibus ministrorum Evangelii in scholis et ecclesiis (1777, 4to). One of his most important works is Progr. Urim Et Thureim Scholarum (Schleusingiae, 1748, 4to). See Doring, Gelehr. Theol. Deutschlands, s.v.
