Johann Friedrich Winkler

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Friedrich Winkler [1]

a Lutheran theologian, was born August 17, 1809, at Hohen-Priessnitz, in Saxony. He studied theology at Halle, and in 1834 came to America. In 1835 he was called to Newark, N.J., where he labored for seven years. In 1842 he was called as professor to the theological seminary at Columbus, Ohio, where he taught for three years. In 1845 he went to Detroit, Mich., and labored there for twelve years. In the meantime he had become acquainted with pastor Grabau, the head of the Lutheran Buffalo Synod, which he joined, and which appointed him, in 1856, professor of the Martin Luther College. Here he labored until his death, June 9, 1877. (B.P.)
