Johann Christian Priedrich Burk

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Johann Christian Priedrich Burk [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born in 1800. From 1849 till 1873 he was pastor at Echterdingen, in Wtirtemberg. In that year he retired from the ministry,. and lived-with his son at Lichtenstern, where he died, Nov. 23, 1880. He published, Dr. Johann Albrecht Bengels Leben und Wirken (2d ed. Stuttgard, 1832):-Beicht- und Abendmahlsbiichlein (5th ed. 1846):-Was wollen die Pietisten ? (ibid. 1836):-Evangelische Pastoraltheologie in Beispielen (1838-39, 2 vols.) :-Der wahre evangelische Glaubensweg (2d ed. 1843):-Spiegel edler Pfarrfrauen (2d ed. 1854). From 1830 till 1869 he edited, the Christenbote, a religious Sunday paper. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. i, 205; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 273, 858; ii, 122, 327. (B. P.)
