Johann Carl Friedrich Witting
Johann Carl Friedrich Witting [1]
a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born March 30, 1760, at Alfeld, in Hanover. He studied theology and philosophy at Gottingen, and after completing his curriculum he acted for ten years as private tutor in the house of a nobleman. In 1783 he received the pastorate in Ellensen, near Eimbeck. Here he wrote his Stoff zu Unterhaltungen am Krankenbette (Gottingen, 1788; 2d ed. 1789): — Gedanken uber Kanzelvortrage und deren zweckmassige Einrichtung (ibid. 1791). In 1799 he went to Brunswick as second preacher of St. Magnus, and advanced in 1805 to be first preacher. He died January 24, 1824. Belonging to the strict orthodox party, he published, Ueber Rationalismus und Rationalatrie (Brunswick, 1822): — Biblischer Beweiss von der Himmelfahrt Jesu (ibid. 1820): — Practisches Handbuch fur Prediger (1791-98, 6 volumes): — Grundriss der Tugendund Religionslehre (1802). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, 4:750 sq.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:369, 400, 491, 562; 2:40. (B.P.)