Joachim Cureus

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Joachim Cureus [1]

a Protestant theologian and philosopher of Germany, was born at Freistadt, in Silesia, October 22, 1532. He studied at Wittenberg, and in 1551 was rector in his native city. He then went to Padua and Bologna for the study of medicine, and after his return, in 1559, settled as physician at Glogau, where he took an active part in the introduction of the Reformation, but in the spirit, of his friend Melanchthon. He died at Glogau, January 21, 1573. One year after his death his Exegesis Perspicnua, etc., appeared, which caused the deposition and expulsion of all Philippistic theologians by August of Saxony, because he believed them to be the authors of the same. See Grusinger, Commentatio de Joach. Cureo (Marburg, 1853); Heppe, Geschichte des deutschen Protestantismus (ibid. eod.), 2:422 sq., 467-494; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. s.v. (B.P.)
