Jean Neef

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jean Neef [1]

a Belgian ascetic writer. was born at Mechlin in 1576. He belonged to the Order of the Hermits of St. Augustine, in which he filled the office of prior. In 1625 he was appointed provincial for Flanders and Cologne. He died at Mechlin, June 28, 1656. His works are, Vita sancte Monica (Antwerp, 1628):Horologium monasticc perfectionis (Louvain, 1630): De tertiariis ordinis Sancti Augustini (Antwerp, 1632): Eremus Augustiniana foribus honoris et sanctitatis vermans (Louvain, 1638, 4to), in which is found the life of St. Augustine, and a great number of notices of the remarkable personages of his order: Le Nouveau Testament, in Flemish. See Andre, Bibl. Belgica, 2:700.
