Jean George Dahler

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jean George Dahler [1]

a Franco-German Protestant theologian, was born at Strasburg, December 7, 1760, and died while professor of theology and Old Testament exegesis there, June 29, 1832. He wrote, Animadversiones in Versionem Graecam Proverbior. Salom. ex Veneta S. Marci Bibliotheca Nuper Editam (Strasburg, 1786): De Libroarum Paraliponenum Auctoritate atque Fide (ibid; 1819): Die Denk- und Sittenspruche Salomos (ibid. 1810): Jeremiie Traduit sur le Texte Original, Accompagne de Notes (ibid. 1825-1830, 2 volumes). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:52, 79, 212, 219, 859; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 1:194; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religienses, s.v. (B.P.)
