Jean Francois Regis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jean Francois Regis [1]

a French Jesuit, was born January 31, 1597, at Font-Couverte, Narbonne. In 1616 he joined his order, and intended to go as missionary to Canada. Being, however, denied this by his superiors, he devoted himself entirely to missionary work at home and in churches, chapels, hospitals, prisons, and, in fact, everywhere he preached and exhorted. Regis died January 31, 1640, and was canonized by Clement XII, June 16, 1737. See Danbenton, Vie de Francois Reis; Petit-Didier, Les Saints Enleves et Restitues aux Jesuites; Monlezun, Histoire de l'Eglise de Notre-Dame du Puy (1854); Lichtenberger, Encyclop. des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B.P.)
