Jean Allut

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jean Allut [1]

surnamed l'Eclaireur (the Enlightener), a pseudonym adopted by a French fanatic, who, at the beginning of the 18th century, attempted at London the establishment of a new sect. His real name was Elie Marion, and he was a native of Barre, a village in the vicinity of Montpelier. His apostles or associates were Nicolas Fatio, Jean Dande, and Charles Portales. His works, which are now very rare, are as follows:

1. Discernement Des Tenebres D'Avec La Lumiere, Afin D'Exciter Les Hommes A Chercher La Lumiere (Lond. 1710, 8vo):

2. Eclair De Lumiere Descendent Des Cieux, Et Du Relevement De La Chute De L'Homme Par Son Peche (without name of place, 1711, 8vo):

3. Plan De La Justice De Dieu Sur La Terre Dans Ces Derniers Jours (1714, 8vo):

4. Quand Vous Aurez Saccage, Vous Serez Saccage (1714, 8vo); the latter work consists of letters signed Allut, Marion, Fatio, and Portales:

5. Avertissement Prophetique D' Elie Marion (Lond. 1707, 8vo):

6. Cri D'Alarme, Ou Avertissement Aux Nations Qu'Ils Sortent De Babylone (1712, 8vo). Hoefer, Biographie Generale, 2, 169.
