James Cooper

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

James Cooper [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born at Walsall, January 1, 1782, of pious parents. He removed with them to Birmingham, became a Christian in early life, and after suitable trial was employed in preaching in the surrounding villages. In 1803 he was sent to Rotherham College, and on completing his course settled at Wirksworth, Derbyshire, where he labored but one year, then removed to West Bromwich, where he was ordained, and preached twenty years. After this his course was very checkered; having preached at various places, he finally retired to Norwich, where he died, May 27, 1863. Mr. Cooper wrote a book on Death Personification. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1864, page 202.
