James Avis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

James Avis [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born near Shepherdstown, Va., Jan. 7, 1795. He received the: best religious training in early life from a pious, devoted mother, but wandered into folly. and sin; was converted years afterwards, and in 1820 entered the itinerant ranks of the Baltimore Conference. In 1821 he was transferred to the Kentucky Conference, three years later returned to the Baltimore Conference, and in 1824 was transferred to the Virginia Conference, in all of which he labored with zeal, fidelity, and great success. He died in 1825. Mr. Avis was a man of unquestionable integrity, great energy, and indefatigable industry. See Methodist Magazine, 8:366; Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1825, p. 475.
