Jacob Christoph Beck

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Jacob Christoph Beck [1]

a Swiss doctor and theologian, was born at Basle, March 1, 1710. In 1737 he was appointed professor of history in his native place, in 1744 professor of theology, and in 1759 professor of Old-Test. exegesis. He died in 1785; He wrote, Disputatio de Diluvio Noachico Universali (Basle, 1738): Synopsis Institutionum Univnersce Theologice Naturalis et Revelatio, Dogmaticoe, Polemicce, et Practice (ibid. 1735): Biblisches Worterbuch oder Concordanz (ibid. 1770, and often, 2 vols.): De Partibus Orbis quas ante Diluvium Noachicum Homines Incoluisse Videntur (ibid. 1739): Epitome Hist. eccl. Vet. Testamenti (ibid. 1770): Disputatio de. Codicibus Manuscriptis Grcecis (ibid. 1774): De Editionibus Principibus Novi Test. Graeci (ibid. 1775): Biga Editionum Novi Test. Syriaci (ibid. 1776). See Winer, Handbuch der. theol. Lit. i, 175; Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 95; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten - Lexikon, s.v.; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Steinschneider, Bibliogr. Handbuch, No. 184, p. 19; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen., s.v. (B. P.)
