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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Aaron's youngest son ( Exodus 6:23). With Eleazar the elder he succeeded to the priestly offices vacated by the death of Nadab and Abihu, which he and Eleazar were forbidden to mourn ( Exodus 28:1;  Exodus 28:40;  Exodus 28:48;  Leviticus 10:1-2;  Leviticus 10:6-7;  Numbers 3:3-4;  1 Chronicles 24:2). Ithamar superintended the Gershonites who had charge of the curtains and hangings, and Merari who had charge of the pillars, Cords, and boards, on the march ( Exodus 38:21;  Numbers 4:21-33). Eleazar's family and chief men were more numerous than those of Ithamar. The high priesthood in Eli's person (probably on account of the high qualities for which he was made judge) passed to the line of Ithamar, but reverted to Eleazar's line in Zadok, because of Abiathar's share in Adonijah's rebellion; thus the prophecy against Eli was fulfilled ( 1 Samuel 2:31-35;  1 Samuel 3:12-14;  1 Kings 2:26-27;  1 Kings 2:35). (See Abiathar ; ELI.)

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

ITHAMAR . The fourth and youngest son of Aaron and ElishebaExodus 6:23 etc.); consecrated priest (  Exodus 28:1 ff.); forbidden to mourn for Nadab and AbihuLeviticus 10:6 ), or to leave the Tent of MeetingLeviticus 10:7 ); afterwards entrusted by Moses with priestly duties (  Leviticus 10:12 ff.) and rebuked by him for neglect (  Leviticus 10:16 ff.); set over the Gershonites and the Merarites in connexion with the service of the Tent of Meeting (  Numbers 4:21-33;   Numbers 7:7 f.; cf. also   Exodus 38:21 ); ancestor of Eli (cf.   1 Kings 2:27 with   1 Chronicles 24:3; Jos. [Note: Josephus.] Ant . VIII. i. 3). The family in David’s time was only half the size of Eleazar’s (  1 Chronicles 24:4 ). It was represented among the returned exiles (  Ezra 8:2 ).

W. Taylor Smith.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

Youngest son of Aaron: he was anointed with Nadab, Abihu, and Eleazar to minister in the priest's office. Under the superintendence of Ithamar were placed the Gershonites and Merarites who carried portions of the tabernacle. The high-priesthood came into the family of Ithamar in the person of Eli, and it reverted to the descendants of Eleazar in Zadok on the deposition of Abiathar by Solomon.  Exodus 6:23;  Exodus 28:1;  Exodus 38:21;  Leviticus 10:6,12,16;  Numbers 3:2-4;  Numbers 4:28,33;  Numbers 7:8;  Numbers 26:60;  1 Chronicles 6:3;  1 Chronicles 24:1-6 . Daniel, a descendant of Ithamar, returned from exile.  Ezra 8:2 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [4]

Ith'amar. (Land Of Palms). The youngest son of Aaron.  Exodus 6:23. (B.C. 1491). After the death of Nadab and Abihu,  Leviticus 10:1, Eleazar and Ithamar were appointed to succeed to their places in the priestly office.  Exodus 28:1;  Exodus 28:40;  Exodus 28:43;  Numbers 3:3-4;  1 Chronicles 24:2.

In the distribution of services, belonging to the Tabernacle, and its transport on the march of the Israelites, the Gershonites and the Merarites were placed, under the superintendence of Ithamar.  Exodus 38:21;  Numbers 4:21-33. The high priesthood passed into the family of Ithamar, in the person of Eli, but for what reason we are not informed.

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary [5]

When Aaron and his four sons established Israel’s priestly order, Aaron became the high priest and his sons were the priests who assisted him. Ithamar was the youngest of the four sons ( Exodus 28:1-4).

After the death of the two older sons, Eleazar and Ithamar received additional responsibilities. Eleazar, the senior of the two, had overall control of the LevitesNumbers 3:32), but Ithamar had specific responsibility for two of the three family divisions within the Levites ( Numbers 4:28;  Numbers 4:33). He had earlier supervised the building of the tabernacle ( Exodus 38:21), and now he was the chief overseer of its maintenance ( Numbers 4:24-33).

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [6]

The fourth son of Aaron, consecrated to the priesthood,  Exodus 6:23   Numbers 3:2,3 . His posterity took charge of the tabernacle in the wilderness,  Exodus 38:21   Numbers 4:28 . Some of this line, namely, Eli, Ahitub, Ahiah, Ahimelech, and Abiathar, held the office of high priest, but under Solomon it reverted to the family of Eleazar,  1 Kings 2:7 . See Abiathar .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [7]

 1 Chronicles 6:3 Exodus 6:23 Leviticus 10:6,12 Numbers 3:4 1 Kings 2:27Zadok

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [8]

The fourth son of Aaron. ( Exodus 6:23) His name signifies, island of the palm tree, from Tamar, a palm tree, on Ai, an island. We have nothing particularly interesting in the Bible concerning this man.

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [9]

Aaron's fourth son,  Exodus 6:23 . There is no probability that he ever exercised the high priesthood. He and his sons continued in the rank of simple priests, till this dignity came into his family in the person of Eli.

Holman Bible Dictionary [10]

 Exodus 6:23 Exodus 38:21 Leviticus 10:16Aaron

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [11]

ith´a - mar ( איתמר , 'ı̄thāmār , "land" or "island of palms": Gesenius; or "father of Tamar," אי , 'ı̄ , being perhaps for אבי , 'ăbhı̄ ̌ : Cook in Encyclopedia Biblica - though both derivations are uncertain): The 4th son of Aaron (  Exodus 6:23;  Exodus 28:1;  1 Chronicles 6:3 ), Eleazar being the 3rd son, Nadab and Abihu the 1st and 2nd sons. While Nadab and Abihu were prematurely cut off for offering strange fire before the Lord ( Leviticus 10:1 ,  Leviticus 10:2;  Numbers 3:4;  Numbers 26:61 ), and Eleazar was appointed chief of the tribe of LeviExodus 6:23 ,  Exodus 6:25 ) and ultimately succeeded Aaron ( Exodus 28:1 ), Ithamar was made the treasurer of the offerings for the TabernacleExodus 38:21 ), and superintendent of the Gershonites and Merarites in the service of the Tabernacle ( Numbers 4:28 ,  Numbers 4:33 ). In the time of Eli the high-priesthood had come to be in his family, but how, and whether before Eli's day or first in Eli's person, is not told and need not be conjectured. W. R. Smith in Encyclopedia Biblica (art. "Eli"), on the strength of   1 Samuel 2:27 ,  1 Samuel 2:28 , holds that the priesthood was originally in Eli's line; but the words "the house of thy father" do not necessarily mean only the house of Ithamar, but may, and most probably do, refer to Aaron and his descendants, of whom Ithamar was one. Nor does the cutting off of Eli's family from the priesthood and the setting in their place of "a faithful priest," who should do everything according to Yahweh's will and walk before Yahweh's anointed forever, find its complete fulfillment in the deposition of Abiathar or Ahimelech, his son, and the installation of Zadok in the time of Solomon ( 1 Kings 2:35;  1 Chronicles 29:22; see Zadok ). A descendant of Ithamar, Daniel by name, is mentioned among the exiles who returned from BabylonEzra 8:2 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [12]

(Heb. Ithamar', אַיתָמָר , Palm-Isle; but according to Furst, Not High, i.e. Little; Sept. Ι᾿Θάμαρ ; Josephus Ι᾿Θάμαρος , Ant. 8, 1, 3), the fourth and youngest son of Aaron ( 1 Chronicles 6:3). B.C. 1658. He was consecrated to the priesthood along with his brothers ( Exodus 6:23;  Numbers 3:2-3); and after the death of Nadab and Abihu ( Leviticus 10:1 sq.), as they left no children, he and Eleazar alone remained to discharge the priestly functions ( Leviticus 10:6;  Leviticus 10:12;  Numbers 3:4;  Numbers 26:60 sq.;  1 Chronicles 24:2). Nothing is individually recorded of him, except that the property of the tabernacle was placed under his charge ( Exodus 38:21), and that he superintended all matters connected with its removal by the Levitical sections of Gershon and Merari ( Numbers 4:28). The sacred utensils and their removal were entrusted to his elder brother Eleazar, whose family was larger than that of Ithamar ( 1 Chronicles 24:4). Ithamar, with his descendants, occupied the position of common priests till the high-priesthood passed into his family in the person of Eli, under circumstances of which we are ignorant. (See Eli).

Abiathar, whom Solomon deposed, was the last high-priest of that line, and the pontificate then reverted to the elder line of Eleazar in the person of Zadok ( 1 Kings 2:27). (See High-Priest).

The traditionary tomb of Ithamar is still shown near that of his brother Eleazar in the hill of Phinehas (Schwarz, Palest. p. 151). A priest by the name of Daniel, of his posterity, returned from Babylon. ( Ezra 8:2;  1 Esdras 8:29).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [13]

Ith´amar (palm-coast), fourth son of Aaron. He was consecrated to the priesthood along with his brothers . Nothing is individually recorded of him, except that the property of the tabernacle was placed under his charge , and that he superintended all matters connected with its removal by the Levitical sections of Gershon and Merari . The sacred utensils and their removal were entrusted to his elder brother Eleazar. Ithamar, with his descendants, occupied the position of common priests till the high-priesthood passed into his family in the person of Eli, under circumstances of which we are ignorant. Abiathar, whom Solomon deposed, was the last high-priest of that line; and the pontificate then reverted to the elder line of Eleazar in the person of Zadok .
