Isaac Ben-Moses Onquenira

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Isaac Ben-Moses Onquenira [1]

a rabbi who lived in the house of Don Joseph Nasi at Constantinople about the middle of the 16th century, published כִנַּדְגָּלוֹת אִיּוּמָה , Terrible As Bannered Hosts, (with reference: to the  Song of Solomon 6:4), an ethical poem, with an extensive commentary (Constantinople, 1571; Berlin, 1701): a twofold commentary on Nachshon ben-Zadok's work, רְאוּמָהס , Revelator Arcanum (Constantinople, 1566): he edited Don Joseph Nasi's יוֹסֵ Š בֵּן פּוֹרָת , a treatise written against such as disbelieve in religious philosophy, but believe in astrology (ibid. 1577): and a treatise written against the Christians. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. Iii. 48; De Rossi, Bibliotheca Judaica Antichristiana, p. 41 sq. (Parma, 1800); by the same author, Dizionario storico degli autori Ebrei, p. 252 (Germ. transl. by Hamberger); Buxtorf, Bibl. rabbinica, p. 170; Hottinger, Bibl. Orientalis, p. 22; Bartolocci, Bibliotheca magna crabbinica, 3:889; Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. i. 646; Gratz, Geschichte d. Juden, 9:426; Wertheimer, Wiener Jahrbuch, 1856; J6cher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 3:1077. (B. P.)
