Ira Childs Stoddard

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Ira Childs Stoddard [1]

a Baptist minister, was born at Brattleborough, Vt., Jan. 25, 1792. In 1817 he was licensed to preach by the Baptist Church of Guildford. He was not ordained until 1827, when, on Sept. 26 of that year, he became the pastor of the Church in Eden, Erie Co., N.Y., where he remained eleven years, his ministry being greatly blessed. In 1836 he removed to Busti, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., where he was a pastor four years, and then removed to Greenfield. For some time he labored for the American and Foreign Bible Society, and had brief pastorates in several places in the state of New York. He died in Busti, Jan. 12, 1878. See New York Examiner and Chronicle. (J.C.S.)
