Innocency Innocence

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Innocency Innocence [1]

innocence   Exodus 23:7 2 Kings 24:4 Genesis 20:4 Deuteronomy 25:1 Job 9:15 Psalm 51:10 Jeremiah 24:7 Jeremiah 31:33-34

In the New Testament four terms are used for innocent. The first means unmixed or pure ( Matthew 10:16;  Philippians 2:15 ); the second, free from ( Matthew 27:4 ,Matthew 27:4, 27:24 ); the third, just, righteous, or upright ( Matthew 23:35;  Luke 23:47 ); and the fourth, clean or pure ( Acts 18:6;  Acts 20:26 ). Innocence is always relative to some standard. Paul declared his innocence with respect to the demands of the law ( Philippians 3:6 ). Only Christ, however, is absolutely pure ( Romans 3:9-18;  2 Corinthians 5:21 ). Christ presents believers as holy and blameless before God ( Colossians 1:22;  Ephesians 5:27;  1 Corinthians 1:8;  1 Thessalonians 5:23 ).
