Hugo Of Macon
Hugo Of Macon [1]
a French ecclesiastic, was born about the close of the 11th century, and was educated by his cousin St. Bernard. He was appointed abb É of Pontigny, as the representative of which he appeared in 1128 at the Council of Troves. In August, 1136. he was elected bishop of Auxerre, and was consecrated the January following. He was an attendant at the Council of Sens, which condemned the doctrines of Abelard (q.v.); also in 1148 at the Council of Rheims, where he combated the opinions of Gilbert de la Porree. He stood high in the estimate of popes and princes. After his death, Oct. 10, 1151, the manner in which he disposed of the immense fortunes which he had amassed by great avariciousness, and which, instead of being bequeathed for distribution among the poor of his diocese, were given to his nephew, greatly annoyed his friends, and his cousin the pious St. Bernard, finally had the will annulled by pope Eugene III. He is said to have written several books, but there are no writings extant which can be definitely claimed as his. — Hist. Litt. de la France, 12, 408; Hoefer. — Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , 25, 438.