
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hucarius [1]

an English deacon who flourished in the 11th century. He wrote one hundred and eight homilies, "which were extant in Leland's time in Canterbury College (now Christ Church), Oxford, but which appear to be no longer in existence. In the prologue to this book, Hucarius stated his name and country, but nothing more is known of him." He is said to have made an extract from the penitential work of archbishop Egbert of York, of the 8th century, as an introduction to the homilies. See Wright, Biog. Brit. Lit. (Anglo-Sax. Period), p. 426; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. 21, 604; Theol. Univ. Lex. 1, 372. (J. H. W.)
