Honore Tournely

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Honore Tournely [1]

a French Roman Catholic divine, was born Aug. 28, 1658, at Antibes. He received his early education from his uncle, and he duly prepared he' entered the University of Paris. In 1686 he was made doctor of the Sorbonne, in 1688 professor at Douay, in 1692 professor at the Sorbonne, but retired in 1716, devoting himself entirely to literary pursuits, and died Dec. 26,1729. He published, Pralectiones Theologicae de Mysterio Trinitatis (Paris, 1726): Pralectiones Theol. de Ecclesiastes Christi (ibid. eod): Pralectiones Theol. de Sacramentis in G É neral É (ibid. eod.): Pralectiones Theol. de Sacramentis Baptism et Confirmationiis (ibid. 1727): Praelectiones Theol. de Agust. Eucharistiae Sacramentis (ibid. 1729): Prelectiosnes Theol. de Sacramientis Paenitentice et Extremae Unctionis (ibid. 1728). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatu. 1, 420, 449,450, 453, 457, 460, 461; Theologisches. Universal-Lex s.v.; Zedleri Universal-Lex. s.v. (B. P.)
