Henry Savage

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Henry Savage [1]

an English divine, was born at Eldsfield, Worcestershire, in 1604. He entered Baliol College, Oxford, as a commoner in 1621; took the degree of B.A. in Nov., 1625; in 1628 was made probationer fellow; and in 1630 completed his master's degree. On the commencement of the Rebellion, he traveled into France with William (lord) Sandys, whose sister, lady Mary, he afterwards married. He obtained the mastership of his college Feb. 20, 1650, and took his degree of D.D. the next year. He was made prebendary of Gloucester in 1665, and rector of Bladen, in Oxfordshire. He died, master of Baliol College, June 2, 1672, and was buried in the chapel. He published some pamphlets on infant baptism against John Tombes, and on Church reformations against Cornelius Burgess; but is best known by his Baliofergus; or, A Commentary upon the Foundation, Founders, and Affairs of Baliol College (Oxon. 1668, 4to).
