Henry Danvers

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Henry Danvers [1]

an English Baptist, born of respectable parents, was a colonel in the Parliamentary army in 1646, governor of Stafford, and a magistrate well- beloved of the people, as he refused bribes. He became a Baptist during the Commonwealth, and after the Restoration made over his estates to trustees to save their confiscation by his persecutors. In 1663 he was joint-pastor of a Church in Allgate. In 1674 the government offered a reward for his apprehension, and he was sent prisoner to the Tower; but his wife procured his release in 1675. He afterwards defended the duke of Monmouth; and for safety fled to Holland, where he died in 1686. In 1674 he published a Treatise on Baptism, which made him many adversaries. Some of his brethren defended him against his antagonists. He also published, A Treatise of the Laying on of Hands, with the History Thereof (1674). In another book, called Theopolis, he fully considers "the Dragon, the Beast, and False Prophet." He was a worthy man, of unspotted life. See Wilson, Dissenting Churches, 1:393; Benedict, Hist. of the Baptists; Haynes, Baptist Cyclop. 1:13-16.
