Henry C. Waltz

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Henry C. Waltz [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born in Wayne County, Ind., June 5, 1843. Hi spent his boyhood on a farm; entered. Indiana Asbury. University in 1860; was converted in 1862; graduated in 1866; spent twenty-two months in traveling over Europe and the Orient; lectured the following year on the sights, scenes, customs, and habits of the people of the Old World; joined the North Indiana Conference in 1869; and served the Church at Wabash and Fort Wayne. In 1871 he joined the Colorado Conference, which he served faithfully until 1875, when his failing health obliged him to take a supernumerary relation. He next removed to Quincy, 11l., where he died, May 11, 1877. As a writer, Mr. Waltz was clear, lucid, instructive, and interesting; as a preacher, above the average, faithful, practical, logical; as a pastor, devoted; as a father, affectionate. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1877, p. 82.
