Henri De Lamormain

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Henri De Lamormain [1]

a Belgian Jesuit, brother of the preceding, and, like him, a native of Luxemburg, entered the Order of the Jesuits in 1596, but exerted little influence on account of feeble health. He died November 26, 1647. He translated and wrote several works; among them are, Tractatus amoris divini constans, libri 12 (from the French of Francisco de Sales, Vienna, 1643, 4to; 2d edit., with life of the author [Sales], Colossians 1657, 8vo): De Virtute Paenitentiae, etc. (Vienna, 1644, 4to). Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 29:245.
