Heinrich August Hahn

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Heinrich August Hahn [1]

eldest son of August Hahn, was born at Konigsberg June 19, 1821, and died Dec. 1, 1861, at Greifswald. After having studied at Breslau and Berlin, he devoted himself to Old-Testament exegesis and theology. He was tutor (privatdocent) at Breslau in 1845, went thence in 1846 to Konigsberg as professor ad interim on the death of Havernick, and in 1851 became professor extraordinary, and in 1860 ordinary professor at Greifswald, succeeding Kosegarten. He edited Havernick's Vorlesungen fiber die Theologie des A. Testamnents (1848). His chief works are, a dissertation De Spe immzorttalitatis sub Vet. Testam. etc.; Veteris testcam. sententia de Natura hominis (1846): Commentar Ü ber das Buch Hiob (1850): Ubersetzung und Erklarung des Hohen Liedes (1852): Erklarung von Jesaia Kapiel 40-46 (forming vol. 3 of Drechsler's commentary on Isaiah, 1857): Commentar Ü ber das Predigerbuch Slomno's (1860). His works evince the care and fidelity which characterized the man, but his criticisms are sometimes marked by great boldness. He was a man of mild temper and great purity of character. See Allgemeine Kirchen-Zeitung for 1862, No. 26; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. 19, 597. (J.W. M )
